domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Intel saves the double tablet Kno of the cemetery of the ghost gadgets

Tablets avatar Javier Penalva on April 8, 2011 | 07: 53 To vote this post connect with Facebook Connect


Do you remember back by June of the year past show you a double tablet called Kno and tightly focused on the field of education? Almost everyone agreed to see closer to being a phantom gadget to be a real team. And so it has been until now is Intel and has given him a boost in the form of investment of $ 30 million.

The agreement placed in the hands of Intel hardware within, which may provide his usual companions for her manufacture, while the section of the software, which should be the basis of this tablet Kno, is still on the table of the creators of the ideathat now only should focus on developing the system to make it a reality.

The field of education, and I say this from experience in first person, is one that more likely has to factor tablet, whether it be in the hands of the teacher or the student. But the software and applications are essential. We are pleased that Intel has taken letters on the matter. To see if it is not forgotten and the investment dissolves over time, it would be a pity.

Vía | BoomTown.

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