viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Apple is also seeking the perfect screen for your tablet

Tablets avatar Javier Penalva on April 8, 2011 | 09: 02 To vote this post connect with Facebook Connect


What a consumer basically wants to be able to read in a tablet type device are interactive magazines and all its variations, but also electronic books. To little time reading and interior, a classic tablet LCD screens may be worth, but when we want little fatigue on sight and autonomy, electronic ink is a must.

The last patent that has been discovered to Apple demonstrates that in Cupertino don't forget the possibility of combining several types of display on a single device. That future tablet, if it is ever to see the light, would have a layer with touch LCD technology and the other with electronic ink. If you think that it is difficult to make, just think the work of Samsung with its transparent screens. What you see now?

In the idea of Apple, the user would not have to change technology him but that the own tablet would choose the best option dynamically according to the content that we are going to play.

As of combine LCD screen and electronic ink is not something new. Hence we have the phantom tablet Notion Ink Adam Pixel Qi technology. Who will be the first to get effectively?

Vía | AppleInsider.

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