Samsung has taken little to respond to itself, and is that statements of Lee Don-Joo, Vice President of the Mobile Division, have generated some to other questions about what they were doing with Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.
In the same way that lifted up the difficult to beat in the iPad 2 features, have reported that the tablet will not be affected in their plans, or what is the same: not going to change the shape and design of the Galaxy Tab 10.1, or the dates are going to modify.
To be able to vote this post you must login or register here.To vote this post connect with Facebook ConnectSpeaking of dates, no confirmation on the matter on the date of placing on the market, hope to know the final details of the Honeycomb tablet on March 22, the day on the model of 8.9 inches. What does seem clear is that they will have to Curran item price, because they have said nothing about it.
Vía | «all things D» Yonhap News Agency
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