Following the purchase of Hitachi by Western Digital hard drives market scene is fairly short: the own Western Digital, Seagate and Samsung. Precisely this last has presented at CeBIT one of his most interesting research in the future, in relation to the mass storage of your computer. Each has been hard disks whose dishes offered a capacity of 1 TB .
Dishes? What? The traditional hard drives, the magnetic life are built on the basis of several dishes each of which offers a certain ability. Currently a hard drive 3.5 inch tends to be composed of two, three or four dishes, each of which has 500 or 750 GB of capacity. The sum of all of them is the total space available on a hard disk.
Samsung has been that each dish has 1 TB of capacity, to improve the current figure. Given the increase in the density of the information will be "simple" get 4 TB hard drives. At least start out there.
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The improvement of the density per platter is a very logical impact: to be more together data, operations related to the hard disk are also faster to retail space, minor is the seek timewriting and others.
How much better? There is a universal law in this respect, but also it can be treated as a remarkable improvement. Traditionally with each improvement in density has been winning a minimum percentage, of between 5 to 10%, sometimes even less. A hard drive performance largely depends on other factors as the dispersion of the data, the number of files that are handled, the amount of memory in the bus and the applications used, among others.
The performance improvement was clear, although the increased amount is minimal. But there is a major drawback: at higher density we will achieve greater capacity, but if by whatever is the reason it breaks the hard drive (or one of their dishes) also are affected to a greater amount of information. This is the price to pay.
The greater are the dishes also will be more than a hard drive capacity will house, but in the event of malfunction also lose more data. It is also necessary to comment on the current drives are very safe in comparison with the of a few years ago, as they include certain security mechanisms to prevent unexpected failures.
By now there is nothing marketed, but yes there are views of what will be within a few months. Samsung will start to use their dishes of 1 TB with its range of hard disk samsung spinpoint ecogreen, whose main characteristic is that they are low-power and have a rotational speed of 5400 rpm drive. According to analysis of Tomshardware this family of products tend to hang the 85 MB/s, with what the new models will remain below the 100 MB/s, and probably barely reach 90 MB/s. Very low figures in comparison with other models available in the market.
It should not be forgotten that it will not be more than a home, the first of its products. In the future will come more powerful drives of 7,200 rpm, as well as of course drives for notebooks. In this case shall not 4TB, logically, the surface of the disc is much smaller, but yes is will take advantage of developments in the dishes of the records of 3.5 inches to also improve the figures of 2.5 inches. I would say that, this year them we will have with up to 2TB of capacity.
Let's do a little thinking on the subject of this improvement developed by Samsung. The traditional hard drives will be in the future the mass storage of our computers, while the SSD will be devices which support almost all software and programs.
The reason is simple. Manufacturers as soon as they are improving the performance of the hard drives, and on the other hand seems to only seeking to achieve the highest possible capacity. This example of Samsung is the clearest demonstration of this. Meanwhile SSD offer much better figures, and its growth (in terms of power) does not seem to be endless. In the last two or three years have been doubling transfer rates, which is a simple genius.
Personally I do not think that drives disappear, at least not in a period of a few decades. Also said that the tapes would end dying and is the medium used by numerous companies to perform your backups.
On the other hand we have that the prices of SSDS are becoming smaller, and its growth in performance is tremendous and does not seem to come to an end (although logically it will end up taking). We have models such as the recent OCZ Vertex 3 reaching the 500 MB/s, figures of around five times more than a traditional hard drive. The trouble is that the capabilities seem to grow very slowly, and for now are only offered with up to 256 GB of capacity. Time is what they need, so only a few years.
Hard drives? The mass storage of the future and the past performance. SSDS? Without a doubt the great and interesting future. Make your bets.
Bonus: Do know Thunderbolt? So something tells me that the storage of the future will also go under light and not with electricity, although it might be a development that even our great see in their lives. What I say?
In Engadget | Hard disk, SSD.
Image | SPBer in Wikipedia.
Vía | TechSpot.

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