martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Philips Homerun, comes another robot vacuum cleaner to compete for domestic cleaning

Robotics, analysis avatar Txaumes on March 15, 2011 | 11: 00 To vote this post connect with Facebook Connect

Philips Homerun

We have excellent domestic aspiradoras-robot in the market. First were the iRobot Roomba, and then came Korean alternative paths, the Hom-Bot LG and Samsung Navibot. It is now Philips which gets on this robotic ring with the Philips Homerun.

Very similar to the other automated vacuum that we have seen, the Philips Homerun also integrates multiple cameras and sensors (up to 20, according to the Dutch) to map the House. Philips her also has developed a systematic mapping software that makes to, to find an obstacle, tour several times its outline a very short distance to hurry to the maximum cleaning.

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In the latest Philips showroom, the functioning of the Homerun not seemed to us very different from the Roomba or the Navibot. Does it seem to something less erratic and more thorough than the models of Samsung and LG when making his round.

Philips Homerun

What does seem only of the HomeRun is its ability to 'jump'. The vacuum cleaner has several modes of operation. In the way carpets, the Homerun can clean surfaces of this type with fibres of up to two centimeters in height. Just as it gets on the carpets, the Homerun is capable of Eaglets above cables and obstacles up to 1.5 centimeters in height. Although not have been able to monitor during the enough time to make an analysis, at the time that we saw if he avoided quite effectively the cables we Alliance you on his way to bad milk.

Philips Homerun

The HomeRun takes an hour to clean up some forty square meters. Your deposit is quite generous and can accumulate up 0.6 liter. The vacuum cleaner is also programmable from his remote control. Philips said that its software will be updated periodically. A US connectionB can introduce new software patches. The philips homerun goes on sale in April at a price of 549 euros.

More information | Philips

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Nexus S reaches Spain with Vodafone free and subsidised from zero euros

Mobile avatar Txaumes on March 14, 2011 | 17: 17 To vote this post connect with Facebook Connect

Nexus S

After a long wait, finally comes the samsung nexus S or google nexus S, or S Nexus to dry, depending on who name you. The second terminal of the Mountain View comes to Spain by the hand of Vodafone, which bring it subject to a wide range of pricing plans. The terminal goes on sale today. That does not even know it to fund do not have more to go through his analysis.

Individuals can be made with the new Nexus of almost every possible way, through new high, migration, portability, or through the catalog of Vodafone points. The prices of the terminal, once subsidized, oscillate between zero euros (rate @ XL with portability or 7,000 points Vodafone) and 299 euros.

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Freelancers and companies can get the Samsung Nexus S through points paying prices between the 19 and 298 euros. In XatakaMóvil you can find tables with all the conjugations of prices and rates.

Nexus S

Technically, the Spain nexus S shares with other countries as Germany the loss of the SuperAmoled screen, which has been replaced by a Super clear lcd. The colors of this screen are perhaps not so living as at the SuperAmoled, but the contrast is excellent and the screen looks very well even in highly lit environments. The rest of the terminal characteristics remain unchanged.

The first Nexus was subject to a condition imposed by Google for selling free. In other words, he had to sign a contract with Vodafone but the phone has not locked the Sim. According to Vodafone, Google maintains this condition in the nexus S. Contract us not fight but, at least, if we later change of company already we will have the mobile released.

More information | Vodafone
In Xatakamóvil | Vodafone introduces the Samsung Nexus S of Google. We have all the prices

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Dell Vostro V130, analysis

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Análisis, Portátiles

avatar WhisKiTo 15 de marzo de 2011 | 08:09

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El Dell Vostro V130 es un portátil diferente. Desde su lanzamiento tenia unas ganas inmensas de tenerlo en mis manos por dos razones: primero, por que el hardware es muy decente y equilibrado para un portátil, y segundo porque fui completamente seducido por su diseño.

Tras unas semanas de uso he de reconocer que no me ha defraudado. Estamos ante un equipo que tiene un rendimiento muy digno, mas que suficiente para el usuario común e incluso para alguien que busque algo más. Intel Core i3 tiene la culpa, pues ha demostrado ser una plataforma perfecta para el uso cotidiano.
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Dell Vostro V130

Nuestro equipo de pruebas dispone de las siguientes características:

Dell Vostro V130 con carcasa en aluminio rojo.Microprocesador Intel Core i3-380UM Arrendale, 1.33 GHz. con 2 núcleos (4 hilos), modelo ULV (Ultra-Low Voltage)GPU integrada en la CPU.Memoria RAM: 4 GB DDR3Pantalla de 13.3 pulgadas, 1.366×768 píxeles de resolución y salidas de vídeo HDMI y VGA.Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bits.Dimensiones físicas: 330×230×19.7 milímetros.Peso de 1.59 kilogramos, incluyendo batería de 6 celdas

No hay palabras para explicar el gran diseño del Vostro V130. Nuestro equipo tiene el frontal en color rojo, con un aspecto metálico y muy consistente. Prácticamente todo el dispositivo es rojo incluyendo la parte inferior, y únicamente la parte del teclado, el marco de la pantalla y los extremos superior e inferior del portátil son de plástico negro. La diferencia entre estas partes y el aluminio es abismal, como de la noche al día, y hubiese sido preferible integrar un material que estuviese a la altura del aluminio rojo en vez de un plástico muy típico y clásico. A pesar de ello no es de mala calidad, ni mucho menos.

Dell Vostro V130

Es, como ya vimos tras su lanzamiento, muy delgado: 19.7 milímetros en la parte más ancha que se quedan en 16.5 en la más fina. Esos 3.2 milímetros es la anchura de la pantalla. El cacharro más en general es una cucada que además podrás mover contigo muy fácilmente gracias a su peso de 1.59 kilogramos, incluyendo la batería – integrada – de seis celdas. Si, la pantalla es de 13 pulgadas, el tamaño ideal para un portátil bajo mi punto de vista, aunque con una resolución bastante del montón: 1.366×768 píxeles.

Dadas sus dimensiones el teclado es de tamaño completo y dispone de una pequeña distancia entre las propias teclas, algo muy habitual desde hace unos años. Es bastante cómodo, aunque siendo este un aspecto tan personal no insistiremos en exceso. En lo que respecta al trackpad no es ni bueno ni malo, sino bastante del montón. Sus dimensiones físicas son de 80×45 milímetros, a sumar los dos botones correspondientes al ratón. Un aspecto positivo es que es un trackpad multitáctil que acepta algunos gestos con nuestros dedos, como por ejemplo el útil scroll vertical.

Dell Vostro V130

Quizá uno de los aspectos más controvertidos es el de las conexiones, ya que todas ellas se encuentran en la zona posterior, tras la pantalla. Ni el frontal ni los laterales disponen siquiera de un puerto USB, más allá de un slot para tarjetas SD en la parte derecha. Para cualquier cosa tendremos que darle la vuelta al ordenador y realizar la conexión allá. Algo incomodo, desde luego.

Dell Vostro V130

También es de obligada mención decir que las conexiones no son gran cosa: un par de puertos USB, salidas de vídeo VGA y HDMI, un eSATA (que también puede funcionar como USB) y la conexión de red Ethernet, amén de por supuesto el conector de corriente. Aunque para la inmensa mayoría serán más que suficiente, el Vostro V130 no es ni mucho menos completo en ese sentido en comparación con otros equipos portátiles. También es cierto que el diseño no es comparable con el de la mayoría, pues la razón de la escasez de conexiones se debe precisamente a la delgadez y al reducido espacio disponible para implementar otras interfaces.

Nuestro Dell Vostro V130 cuenta con unas muy buenas características. Adaptado casi a la última nos encontraremos con un Intel Core i3-380UM, modelo de procesador Ultra-Low Voltage pensado para aportar un rendimiento decente con una máxima eficiencia energética. Dispone de GPU integrada dentro de la propia CPU, con lo que no es ni mucho menos un equipo ideal para videojuegos. Completan las características los 4 GB de memoria DDR3, suficientes para el usuario medio actual.

Dell Vostro V130

El sistema operativo, un Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bits, se mueve estable y muy rápido ante cualquier situación. Las aplicaciones más usuales en el ámbito doméstico no tendrán problema alguno en funcionar de una forma muy correcta. Obviamente no hemos probado con software de corte profesional, algo del tipo CAD, renderizado 3D o similares, pues este equipo no está indicado para ello.

En videojuegos la cosa flojea, aunque como ya hemos dicho tampoco es ésta su finalidad. Apenas hemos probado títulos básicos como Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead 2 y similares, y aunque se puede jugar a ellos parece claro que la experiencia es muy diferente respecto de cualquier otro ordenador más potente. La tasa de imágenes por segundo se sitúa entre unos 20 y 30 fps, valores con los que se puede jugar pero que no son óptimos y no aportan la experiencia de juego que se desearía. En el momento en el que ejecutamos un juego más potente ya os podéis imaginar cuál es la respuesta del equipo: nefasta.

La batería del Dell Vostro V130 es uno de sus puntos débiles. Primero, porque está integrada en el propio equipo y no podrá intercambiarse por el usuario. Ésto debería suponer una enorme autonomía tal y como hemos visto en los últimos MacBook Pro, con alrededor de 7 horas de duración, ¿verdad? Pues no.

Dell Vostro V130

La autonomía del Dell Vostro V130 tras un uso real ronda las dos horas y media, tres si forzamos. Y eso a pesar de que Intel y Dell activan de forma predeterminada ciertas utilidades que en teoría optimizan el consumo para así lograr la mayor cifra posible. Lógicamente en el momento en el que una de nuestras aplicaciones haga uso excesivo de CPU o GPU estaremos quitándole minutos de autonomía a cada carga.

A ésto hay que sumarle que estamos hablando de un portátil para diseñado para aguantar sin ser conectado a la corriente, dada la integración del microprocesador Intel Core i3-380UM, de bajo voltaje y que a priori ofrecería una larga autonomía. La batería del Vostro V130 no dura poco, pero tampoco nos permitirá disfrutar del equipo durante más allá de un par de horas antes de conectarlo a la corriente.

Dell Vostro V130 no es un portátil para trabajar en diseño 3D, ni para exigirle mucho. No tiene las características de equipos todoterreno como los propios Latitude o Precision de Dell. De hecho la gama Vostro siempre ha sido la gama básica para profesionales, y el V130 es el primer Vostro que se distribuye también para particulares.

También debemos tener en cuenta que hablamos de un equipo que no incluye GPU dedicada, si no un modelo integrado en el propio microprocesador Intel Core i3, siendo éste de la pasada generación y no un Sandy Bridge de la última hornada, cuya GPU ha demostrado ser mucho más eficiente que la utilizada dentro de este i3-UM380.

Dell Vostro V130

El rendimiento del sistema es muy bueno, pero se queda ahí: en el propio rendimiento del sistema y de las aplicaciones más básicas que, por cierto, suelen ser las que más utilizamos. Navegadores web, aplicaciones multimedia, ofimática y toda esa categoría de programas. En el momento en el que le exigimos un extra de rendimiento se comprueba cómo este Vostro V130 no está diseñado para ello, mostrándose con cierta lentitud. Por ejemplo, ante algún videojuego o aplicación más exigente.

Pero no por ello ha de ser malo. Cada portátil tiene su mercado y somos nosotros los que, dependiendo del uso que le vayamos a dar, elegimos uno u otro modelo. En el caso que hoy nos atañe, el del Dell Vostro V130, hay que reconocerle que es un portátil excelente para el usuario medio, aquél que quiere hacer un uso básico de él para navegar por Internet y cuatro cosas más. Aceptamos videojuegos básicos, pero ir más allá ya es peligroso y es cierto que hay alternativas mejores.

Dell Vostro V130

A favor del Vostro V130 está su excelente, excelentísimo diseño, sin duda alguna uno de los mejores que jamás he visto en un ordenador portátil. Lamentablemente el color rojo no existe en nuestro país, al menos por ahora, y sólo se distribuye en un único modelo gris.

El precio del Dell Vostro V130 empieza en España en los 671 euros con un i3-380UM, 2 GB de memoria RAM DDR3 y Windows 7 Home Premium de 64 bits. Nótese que nuestro equipo de pruebas dispone de 4 GB, con lo que su precio es algo superior.

En todos los casos el Vostro V130 ya está disponible en España en la tienda oficial de Dell para nuestro país.

Dell Vostro V130 ha sido cedido para la prueba por parte de Dell. Puedes consultar nuestra política de relaciones con empresas.

Vídeo | En Youtube.
Más información | Dell.

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After the storm was calm. Analysis and special of the week

Other avatar WhisKiTo on March 13, 2011 | 21: 54 To vote this post connect with Facebook Connect

Análisis y especiales Xataka

We enfilamos the last hours of the week with a summary of our analysis and special of the week. A fairly quiet week broadly. Note that it's been some of the most important fairs of the year, such as CES, MWC and CeBIT, and expected few major presentations of face in the coming months.

Although we have not stopped at Engadget - you know our 24/7 schedule - and then you will find the most important thing of the past seven days. You enjoy it.

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Good entry to all of week!

In Engadget | Analysis and special.

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First data of the AMD Bulldozer of 8 cores: new AMD FX-Series

Components of PC avatar WhisKiTo 14 March 2011 | 11: 20 To vote this post connect with Facebook Connect

AMD Bulldozer Die

It seems that we begin to know already the first details of new AMD microprocessors, which so far have called Zambezi or Bulldozer, because these are the microarchitecture and the processor code names throughout its development.

Today we already know the names and characteristics of the four early models will go on sale over the next few weeks. Will be sold under the amd fx-Seriesproduct family, traditionally its range of products-high-end for the household sector, and as expected his new more powerful models. The main features we speak of 8, 6 or 4 cores, 32 nanometers, DDR3 dual-channel (Dual Channel) and under the new socket AM3 +.

I leave you with the list of new models and the number of cores. Certain specs are still unknown as the frequency of clock or outside on the way to Turbo Core, data which surely will be confirmed once submitted:
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To vote this post connect with Facebook Connect AMD FX-8130P: 8 cores, TDP 125 Watts.AMD FX-8110: 8 cores, TDP 95 Watts.AMD FX-6110: 6 cores, TDP 95 Watts.AMD FX-4110: 4 cores, TDP 95 Watts.

All models are black edition, that is, it is unlocked so that the user can overclockearlos at will.

We had already spoken earlier and everything points to that eventually end up being so. AMD Bulldozer will be equal to the current Intel Core i7 'Sandy Bridge', and in fact some media point to be more powerful than the pointer model of Intel, the 2600K.

AM3 sockets

We are talking about a comparison between more pointer AMD with a high-end Intel, since the Sandy Bridge are after that. We already know that Intel is voracious in their range high-end, being the most clear example the latest 990 X.

In fact it seems that from that AMD has the most powerful of the market processor - assume that it will be the AMD FX-8130P - it will be short, and will be held by Intel. The new generation of Intel Core enthusiasts are expected in autumn under the code name of Sandy Bridge EP, and it seems that AMD will have to surrender to his feet, at least in terms of brute power.

One of the features that most are missing in AMD had stagnated in the 45-nanometer manufacturing process, while the competition - Intel - had already passed that stage and even her had improved. Intel introduced the 45 nm. in 2008 and he made the leap to the 32 just over a year ago, with the first Core i3.

It was inevitable that AMD evolutioned here sooner or later, and the AMD FX-Series will be the first to 32 nanometers. Just over a year of delay because Intel is usually the company that innovates and AMD which follows the path marked by one. User-level manufacturing process usually have a certain impact, but is generally given little importance and is not an aspect to be taken into account, at least for majority.

amd fx-Series will not be like the current Phenom II, with a top price around 250 euros. The new models will be a range still superior to the high-end of the 1100T and company.

AMD Logo

We'll see how it manages AMD to compete against the 2600K, whose price is around 280 euros. They have to give adjustments which we hope will be beneficial for the consumer. Just as likely that many older models Phenom II, should be withdrawn as their current prices would go into dispute directly with the new models. If AMD maintains the Phenom II and raises the price of the new Bulldozer FX then Intel would offer more competitive figures. And we all know that traditionally it has not happened.

First of all I have to remind you that nothing of this is official, but it does have views be real because the data are repeated over and over again, unchanged. In recent years we have experienced this situation many times, and finally after the presentation the rumors were confirmed.

Caterpillar D9

Two dates are shuffled on the release date . On the one hand said that in the summer, but after the incident from Intel with the theme of the P67 and the SATA began to say that the release will hasten. To when? Therefore nor is known with absolute certainty. My personal opinion is that it brought forward little or nothing, and on June or July will present them.

Bonus: following the catalogue of Bulldozer that we are riding will tell you that the picture accompanying this post is a Caterpillar D9 property of the army Israeli and so-called IDF Caterpillar D9. To see if Intel is encouraged and puts a funny name to some of its developments and so we learn something new.

Image | Wikipedia.
In Engadget | News about AMD microprocessors.
Vía | XbitLabs.

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lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Spain get the Samsung Galaxy SII "pata negra"

Mobile avatar Kote on March 15, 2011 | 09: 22 To vote this post connect with Facebook Connect

A España llegará el Samsung Galaxy SII pata negra

After the departure of the S Nexus in Spain with the practically expected absence of the SuperAMOLED screen, will now start to feel a second market, which is why her sombre begins to fall on future terminals coming from the Korean company Samsung.

Fortunately, in yesterday's Samsung Spain, from your twitter, was in charge of reassure us informing about a couple of important details about the telephone star in 2011: Samsung Galaxy SII.

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Last week we inform you that there would be two versions of the phone, it will differ primarily by the internal hardware used. Well the extended option Nvidia Tegra 2, well Exynos 4210 of the own Samsung.

A España llegará el Samsung Galaxy SII pata negra

The title of the story makes it clear that the choice of Samsung is good for me, that I am not saying that Nvidia's is not, which may have more support from the outset to be more widespreadgames via Tegra Zone and PlayStation Suite will arrive in fact. But I think that if the phone was designed with Exynos, and the paper is more powerful, to my I would like to come with her.

It will thus be, Samsung Spain informs US that the model will arrive on our territory will have the option Exynos. The second important specification will not miss is the SuperAMOLED screen plus, although we did not have many doubts about the possibility, you never know, and better to make things clear in time.

A España llegará el Samsung Galaxy SII pata negra

Do not expect it before, the phone will arrive in summer time, but in addition to takes contact fairs, know practically everything on the phone before departure, because next month will appear on the market for the first time in Singapore.

Finally, the question of rigour: does with that hardware you have liked that get to Spain?

More information | Twitter Samsung 1, 2

Vía | Unwired View

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Microsoft kills the Zune players

Players avatar Kote on March 15, 2011 | 01: 30 To vote this post connect with Facebook Connect


Reports yesterday afternoon point to that Microsoft would be killing the hardware around the Zune service line, but what about software?, by now a few days ago we present Ventura, an alternative in which those of Redmond have time working.

The information comes from Bloomberg, and it occurs because the death of the players. The efforts of Microsoft will pass through better integration of Zune on Windows Phone 7 phones and in the Xboxgame system, making it to more markets.

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Indeed there is much research to see that the Department of Zune hardware did not have much activity, from mid-2009 when they released the Zune HD, there has been no news, although some from the point of view software.

zune HD

Sales for years have been mediocre, and bet on the hardware appears is not the way to win the battle to Apple and the iTunes, or future service oriented multimedia content that we hope that this Google.

Remember that Microsoft Zune players first introduced on the market in 2006, and after 5 years has been stopped in its efforts to combat with the iPod, or even other players of success as the Sony Walkman family.

"we can beat them, but it's not going to be easy" Steve Ballmer, 2006

Last year Microsoft failed to put your player in the top five in sales at United States, and that's a detail that makes the situation. 77% Of players were iPods, and at the global level numbers are not very different.

The latest model, the Zune HD, was presented to the market with screen OLED, chipset nvidia tegra, and support for HD Radio. The specifications were those of a winner in 2009, and even games came to the platform, but it has not worked in the market as they expected.

Microsoft recently reorganized the structure of the Zune team, on the one hand hardware and software on the other, as if they had raised the situation we are commenting on the news, and make easier the elimination.

It will be very interesting to see that he paints in all this Nokia, because remember that part of the agreement involves the use of some of the services of Nokia, but I do not understand how Ovi can be recycled to be used in the multimedia world.


What will happen with Zune surely will know it in the next MIX11 to be held in April, between 12 and 14 days. Jon Belfiore is responsible for the American signature devices and will have a keynote at the event in Las Vegas.

Usually me like enough hardware that Microsoft brings to the market, whether peripherals such as devices, but the reality is that with those who are mobile has not had much luck in the past few years, if the players Zune has taken years to kill themthe Kin phones gave them a few months of life. Fortunately it seems that Windows Phone 7 is a more hopeful future.

Vía | Bloomberg

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White iPhone: Apple confirms its launch in spring

Mobile avatar Jesus Leon 14 of March of 2011 | 20: 28 To vote this post connect with Facebook Connect

iphone 4 white

The white version of the popular Apple iPhone has been left wanting. Long rumored is if it would or not and when. All doubts have finally been cleared. The charge has been philip schiller, Vice President of marketing of the House of the Apple in your Twitter has commented (nothing formal, but at the end and after confirmation) that spring will come the "precious" white version iPhone.

The white iPhone will be available this spring (and it is a beauty!).

"Precious" has been the epithet the Schiller Mr has been included in your message. An addition that will certainly generate rivers of comments (it is already doing) from here to that finally can be found in stores. Although he did not want to be more precise, and no exact date or if it will be available in all countries has been set. We understand that it would be a shock to your phone in the market and would be a good appetizer for the next release. That if finally did not surprise us with an imminent new version 5 with the classic option in black and is awaited by many, in white.

In Engadget Mobile | A white iPhone confirmed for spring
Image | MacRumors

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Acer updates its netbook with the new Acer Aspire One D257 range

Portable avatar Txaumes on March 14, 2011 | 19: 44 To vote this post connect with Facebook Connect

Acer Aspire One D257

The ultra-portable market is not a good time. Harassed on several fronts by tablets, notebooks, convertible tablets ultrafine and even smartphones, these small teams quietly updated its benefits waiting to see how the market develops.

The acer Aspire one d257 is good proof of this conservative guidance. The Taiwanese has introduced a handful of improvements on the Acer Aspire One D255, but there is nothing revolutionary, which does not mean to be a good option for who is looking for a netbook.

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Physically, the acer Aspire one d257 is almost canonical. Their dimensions conform to the format screen of 10.1 inch (1024 × 600), with 24 mm thickness and a very content mass 1.2 kg (with 6 cell battery 1.3). Keyboard takes everything the width of the enclosure to reach 93% of the standard size. Outside, a wave in relief and white colors, chocolate and aquamarine are their maximum concessions to the design.

Acer Aspire One D257

The acer Aspire one d257 incorporates dual core processor Intel Atom N570 to 1.66 Mhz or N550 to 1.50 Mhz. In both cases the available RAM is 1 or 2 GB of DDR3 RAM. The storage is provided by hard disk of 250, 320 or 500 GB depending on version

For some reason, Acer still declining to give a little push to the graphics of this series of netbook. The D257 entrusts its visual power integrated graphics Intel GMA 3150 with 64 MB of memory, and still does not incorporate HDMI. However, does include support for audio in high definition, although it does not specify that standards.

Acer Aspire One D257

Equipped with WiFi N and Bluetooth 3.0 connectivity, the ports of the D257 section is completed with three USB 2.0 and SD, xD, and Memory Stick card slot. The battery in series is a three cells with theoretical range of four hours. By only 100 grams more we can extend this autonomy until 8 p.m. (theoretical) with a six cell battery.

The acer Aspire one d257 is not as cutting edge and is missing a better support to contents of high definition, however, is a netbook with components, in appearance and stylish, pretty solid. We do not yet know is neither price nor release date.

More information | Acer

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Intel Atom Z670 for tablets, are three times more expensive than an Nvidia Tegra 2?

Tablets avatar Kote 14 March 2011 | 07: 37 To vote this post connect with Facebook Connect

Intel Atom Z560, Oak Trail

I do not think that there are many doubts about the success of the tablets in the market, but there is still much cake for sharing and all the protagonists, from hardware manufacturers to creators of operating systems, are aware of this.

Bets of Google and Apple are clearly winning horses, but we must not forget that Microsoft is preparing its way. The from Redmond, as usual in their operating systems, go in the first instance for X 86 architectures, hand in hand with Intel.

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Intel has ready his latest development within the family Atom, known as Oak Trail, with the internal name of Z670 for the higher performance model. On the chip, and as the reason for this news, has been leaked that it will be priced at $ 75, in the face of manufacturers.

Nvidia Tegra 2

This price represents a value higher than the previous Atoms, and more expensive than other alternatives "not Intel". We more important comparison can do with the more widespread chipset (if we leave aside the A4 chip) on the market of the tablets: Nvidia Tegra 2.

Famous dual-core based on ARM Cortex-A9 is priced at around $ 20 for manufacturers, and their balance power/autonomy is difficult to beat for Intel options.

Ultimately, three times more expensive, by what we think we really need Intel to adjust the prices of the new processor to be competitive in the market, which we should remember that hand in hand with Windows 7, it also entails the payment of license.

Project Kal-El

If we consider that in addition to Nvidia we have Texas Instruments and Qualcomm welcoming to the rest of tablets on the market, the space for Intel is shrinking, not to mention the intentions NVIDIA with its Project Kal - El, with Quad before the end of the year.

Most important benefits of the Intel Atom Z670 are their 1. 66 GHz (single core, 2 threads), 512 KB of cache memory and a 5W TDP thermal design power. Although we are talking about a processor, it will be distributed within a SoC (System on Chip).

Some products already presented to used Oak Trail are tablets and netbooks from major manufacturers, good friends with Microsoft, such as Asus, Acer and Samsung. We highlight some of them like Samsung PC7, MSI WindPad 100W, or Fujitsu Stylistic Q550.


Intel Oak is not only the hardware that arises as ideal for tablets and netbooks that use Windows 7 operating system, is also a reference for MeeGo products that have to go out to the market. Please remember that Intel also is developing to Medfield, a geared more to the Smartphone platform.

In addition to MeeGo version 1.2, they advance us that to Google's operating system support will in future come in their latest versions, as they are turning to Intel processors.

Curious this filtration is that previously had been informed that the price would be about $ 25, a very competitive price for a chipset based on x 86, of low power consumption architecture. With the use of MeeGo, an operating system that does not have to pay license, you could put affordable products on the market. It seems that at the end the accounts will come out slightly higher.


Vía | Fudzilla

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